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Shiva Kazempour


I am a biostatistician, and currently a PhD candidate in the Integrated Biomedical Sciences (IBMS) at the Oncinfo Lab. My PhD focus is on developing new deep learning models for handling and exctracting the best features from scRna-Seq. My master thesis was about identifying a suitable statistical model to handle multiple experimental conditions in RNA-Seq count data.

I worked at the Oncinfo Lab for two years as a visiting scientist , and collaborated in many projects such asRapamycin project with Dr. Ellen Kraig. Also, I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Miranda Orr on the role of senescent cells in Alzheimer's disease, and Dr. Frost on the insertion of transposable elements in AD brains.

I am also the president of Graduate Students International Club (GSIC), in which we try to address the challenges that international students have during their studies at UTHSCSA.


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Shiva's lab notebook