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oncinfo [2024/04/26 15:47] adminoncinfo [2025/02/14 20:13] (current) – [Current and former lab members] habil
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 Photos: Habil and [[https://uthealthsanantonio.zenfolio.com/p206362730|Shiva]] 2022, {{:wiki:public:rahelehl.jpg?linkonly|Raheleh's}}  good bye lunch 2021, [[:lost_maple_2019|Lost Maples 2019]], [[:cave_2017|Cave 2017]] Photos: Habil and [[https://uthealthsanantonio.zenfolio.com/p206362730|Shiva]] 2022, {{:wiki:public:rahelehl.jpg?linkonly|Raheleh's}}  good bye lunch 2021, [[:lost_maple_2019|Lost Maples 2019]], [[:cave_2017|Cave 2017]]
-  - [[https://www.uthscsa.edu/academics/biomedical-sciences/profile/zare|Dr. Habil Zare]] (the PI, [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tce97oyeu39932aoo4sss/CV_Habil_Zare.pdf|CV]], lab [[:habils_lab_notebook|notebook]])+  - [[https://www.uthscsa.edu/academics/biomedical-sciences/profile/zare|Dr. Habil Zare]] (the PI, [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tce97oyeu39932aoo4sss/CV_Habil_Zare.pdf?rlkey=kqwybf4tswwxpqduj0ag1sbu5|CV]], lab [[:habils_lab_notebook|notebook]])
   - [[:shuvabrata_saha|Shuvabrata Saha]] (graduate student, left in 2014)   - [[:shuvabrata_saha|Shuvabrata Saha]] (graduate student, left in 2014)
   - [[:rupesh_agrahari|Rupesh Agrahari]] (graduate student, 2014-2016, Update: Software Developer at Crossvale Inc in Dallas)   - [[:rupesh_agrahari|Rupesh Agrahari]] (graduate student, 2014-2016, Update: Software Developer at Crossvale Inc in Dallas)
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   - Dr. [[:raheleh_roudi|Raheleh Roudi]] (Visiting Scientist 2020-2021, Postdoctoral Associate in [[https://med.umn.edu/bio/dom-a-z/guisheng-song|Song]] Lab at University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Update [[https://profiles.stanford.edu/raheleh-roudi|2022]]: Research Scientist in the Department of Radiology at Stanford University)   - Dr. [[:raheleh_roudi|Raheleh Roudi]] (Visiting Scientist 2020-2021, Postdoctoral Associate in [[https://med.umn.edu/bio/dom-a-z/guisheng-song|Song]] Lab at University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Update [[https://profiles.stanford.edu/raheleh-roudi|2022]]: Research Scientist in the Department of Radiology at Stanford University)
   - Dr. [[:mohsen_sharifitabar|Mohsen Sharifi Tabar]] (Senior Research Scientist since 2022)   - Dr. [[:mohsen_sharifitabar|Mohsen Sharifi Tabar]] (Senior Research Scientist since 2022)
-  - Mehdi Manshadi (Guest PhD student 2020, {{:wiki:public:mehdi-manshadi-thesis_thesis_20240419.pdf|Thesis}} )+  - Mehdi Manshadi (Guest PhD student 2020, {{:wiki:public:mehdi-manshadi-thesis_thesis_20240419.pdf|Thesis}}  )
   - Alan Shaji & Mia Wallace (High school students in the 2022 Northside summer [[https://pipettegazette.uthscsa.edu/2017/08/11/a-window-into-science-northside-isd-summer-mentorship-program/|program]])   - Alan Shaji & Mia Wallace (High school students in the 2022 Northside summer [[https://pipettegazette.uthscsa.edu/2017/08/11/a-window-into-science-northside-isd-summer-mentorship-program/|program]])
-  - Dr. [[:sogand_sajedi|Sogand Sajedi]] (Postdoc Associate 2022, Update: Postdoctoral Associate at the MD Amderson)+  - Dr. [[:sogand_sajedi|Sogand Sajedi]] (Postdoc Associate 2022-2023, Update: Postdoctoral Associate at the MD Amderson
 +  - [[:azad_khosh|Azad Khosh]] (PhD student since 2024) 
 +  - Aleena Shaji (High school students in the 2024 Northside summer [[https://outreach.uthscsa.edu/programs/high-school/nisd-research-mentorship/|program]]) 
 +  - [[:arnav_shandilya|Arnav Shandilya]] (High school student working on dementia detection using acoustic data)
-To help [[https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-flatten-the-curve.html|flatten]] the COVID-19 curve, we have been working from home since mid March 2020. [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iCLinpkdAGRsRW_1u_QrPKbcc77_1Kl0CgdGP5UfKjI/edit#|This]] is the full list of the things we do to increase efficiency and to maintain mental health when working from home.+To help [[https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-flatten-the-curve.html|flatten]] the COVID-19 curve, we worked from from home during the pandemic. [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iCLinpkdAGRsRW_1u_QrPKbcc77_1Kl0CgdGP5UfKjI/edit#|This]] is the full list of the things we do to increase efficiency and to maintain mental health when working from home.
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